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Carolina Perini

Sculptor and visual artist.

She was born in Uruguay in July 1981.

Between 2000 and 2011 she studied at the University of Montevideo where she graduated with a Bachelor in Sculpture and Graphic Design, while taking courses at the School of Architecture.

This is how she begins her search in different languages. Additional exploration combined with previous interests in geometry and origami lead her to the realization of abstract sculptures, which establish an intimate dialogue with reality.

Her first exhibition, "Emerging Dreams", takes place at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Montevideo where she exhibits a series of sculptures on paper.

After finishing her studies, she travels to different countries of Europe to have a first-hand experience of the latest trends in this area.

Finally she settled in Spain where she currently resides and continues with the realization and exploration of new forms and materials for her intricate sculptures. Arte, Diseño, Escultura, Abstracto, Cuadro, Geometria

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